Monday, May 2, 2016

6 Mistakes You Are Making With Your Profile Image That Could Cost You: Part 1

Recently, a client sent me a link to a seminar they were attending.  Of course, my client's profile image was fabulous, but I was amazed when I looked at the other speaker's photos.  These were professionals, in a very professional industry.  And frankly, they didn't look very professional.

It got me thinking about the 5 biggest mistakes people make with their profile image that could cost hurt you--as in, all things considered equal, your competition has similar qualifications, experience and education--but one of you has the better profile image. In a situation where there are hundreds of people vying for the same position or client, a fabulous profile image could give you the edge you need.

1.  Not taking your profile image seriously.  As in, not considering it as an important as, say a meeting with an important client.  Like it or not, research shows that first impressions are made in 10 seconds or less.  I've said it before: chances are, the first impression someone has of you is going to be your profile image.  When you want to learn more about someone, what do you do?  Do you call them up and set up a meeting?  Call them up and ask them questions?  Nope, you google them.  You check them out on LinkedIn.  As human beings, we are programmed to want to SEE what things and people look like.

2.  Not taking your wardrobe seriously.  Whether or not you are in an industry that requires more formal or more casual attire, it's important to wear clothing that fits well (isn't too big or too small), is clean and pressed.  That means if your favorite tie or blouse has a soup stain on it, get it cleaned.

3.  Having a friend take the photo with their cell phone or editing yourself out of a group photo.  Is it poorly lit, blurry or a weird color?  Do you see part of someone else's body or head?  Or worse, are other people in the image?  Does the viewer wonder which person you are?  Your profile image should reflect you as an individual professional.

4.  Not using the right makeup.  Have you seen the recent rash of celebrity postings that show strange white areas on their faces?  Using makeup that contains light reflecting elements like silica powder in mineral foundations or powders, or zinc oxide and titanium dioxide found in sunscreen can cause "flashback".  Check with your photographer on the type of lighting that will be used and if you aren't familiar with appropriate makeup needed, check with a makeup artist.

5.  Not updating your image when it doesn't look like you anymore.  Is your image more than 5-10 years old?  Have you changed your hairstyle, gained or lost weight or had any surgery or injury that has altered your appearance?  It's time to change that profile image.

6.  Are you still using the LinkedIn placeholder?  Potential clients and recruiters want to see YOU!

Is it time to update your image?  Give me a call!

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