Monday, May 9, 2016

6 Mistakes You Are Making With Your Profile Image That Could Cost You: Part 2

Most of my clients have their head shots taken for business--primarily company websites, company literature and of course, LinkedIn.  This directly from LinkedIn: "We know that people take their professional reputations seriously, and as a result we expect LinkedIn profile photos to be professional in nature." And did you know that your profile is 7-14 times more likely to be viewed when you have a professional profile image? (LinkedIn)  With that in mind, here are 6 more mistakes you could be making with your profile image, part 2:  (Check out part 1 here)

1.  Wearing clothing that is too fashion forward.  Unless you plan on updating your image frequently, (I'm in!!) wear clothing that is classic and timeless.

2.  Using a full body profile image.  Your profile image on LinkedIn really should be a head and shoulders image.  I often shoot 3/4 views that are appropriate for other uses, but because those profile images on social media are really small,  I recommend using a head and shoulders image.

3.  Not sizing or cropping your image correctly or using a low quality image that is pixelated or blurry. Your image should be the correct resolution and appropriately sized for the application or social media channel.  Your professional photographer can also supply a correctly sized image.

4.  Forgetting that your profile doesn't just represent you on your page, but is also on every "like", "comment" and "share".  There it is, representing.

5.   Thinking that your image doesn't matter in your industry.  No matter how small your business or what your business, we live in an image conscious society, and it does matter.  Want to grow? A great image attracts great talent.  Want to gain more clients?  A great image projects capability.

6.  A profile image that doesn't draw the viewer in and make them want to meet you.  Does your image make you look approachable?  Friendly?  Confident?  Does the viewer feel like they know you already?  No?  It's easy to get someone to smile.  What's more challenging is to create an image that brings out their personality, creates trust and like-ability.

Feeling like your headshot isn't representing the best you?  Give me a call--let's create an awesome one!

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