Monday, March 28, 2016

Pro Photographer Quick Tips: Better iPhone Photography

Since I've been handing out these tips on a regular basis, I thought I'd put together a little list of my favorite iPhone tips to help up your iPhone photography game.

First, did you know you can quickly get to a specific shoot mode by using peek and pop on the camera app icon? Yep, press hard and this is the screen that pops up!  While it may SEEM just as simple to jump into the camera app--this really does allow quicker access to the front facing camera, video or slo-mo.  Seconds count if your kid or your pet is doing something cute!

I find it really difficult to hit the actual shutter button when taking a selfie--that's why it's absolutely BRILLIANT that you can use the volume buttons on the side, or even BETTER: your headphone volume buttons as a remote shutter release.  Using your headphones as a remote shutter release also helps to alleviate camera shake, which can make your pics blurry.  So much easier!!  
Another way to release the shutter:  Did you know the iPhone has a self timer? At the top of your screen the icons are flash (when tapped can be turned to auto, on or off), HDR (Auto, on or off) Live (on or off) Timer (Off, 3 seconds or 10 seconds) and front facing or rear facing camera.  Hit the timer button and you can choose between a 3 second and a 10 second countdown. Awesomeness.

Did you know you can lock your focus and change your exposure on your iPhone?  When pointing your camera at your subject, you can lock your focus point wherever you'd like. (which prevents refocusing on something you don't want to focus on) Simply put your finger on the screen where you'd like your focus to be and hold.  You'll see the yellow square double and AE/AF LOCK at the top of your screen (Auto Exposure/Auto Focus Lock).  Now see the sun at the side?  Raise your finger, and then slide it up or down to change the exposure--it'll get lighter (up) or darker (down).

Although iPhones not the best for action, if you're trying to capture something fast moving, leave your finger on the shutter for "burst" mode to capture the movement.  (Later, be sure to pick the best view and delete the rest, or you'll fill up your storage like nobody's business!)

An easy one to forget--LOOK at the lens when taking a selfie or having your photo taken.  I know, it's easy to forget and check yourself out on the screen. 

Get as close to your subject as possible rather than zooming in.  Zooming in pixelates your image and you lose sharpness.

Finally, not a photography tip, but a helpful living tip: don't have a mirror around and want to check yourself to make sure you don't have anything in your teeth?  Use the front facing camera as a mirror.  That my friends, is AWESOME-SAUCE!

Remember the best camera is the one you have with you--now go take some pics!

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