Monday, August 8, 2016

Where Should We Shoot Your Headshot?

I get that question a lot--where should I have my headshot taken?  My answer is dependent on the look you are trying to convey or the business you are in.  Are you in a traditional business environment? A more casual business?  Do you want to help tell the story about what you do and who you are or simply focus on you?

Many companies that I work for like to show their office culture or tell a story about what their business is.  I often shoot in or around their offices and this works well, especially when I'm shooting larger numbers of people in a day.  I come to the office, find my location and it's a breeze to schedule multiple employees.

However, when I'm shooting individuals, we have more flexibility with locations.  I do limit distractions in the background while still giving the viewer information about the subject.  Last week, during a conversation with a city council candidate, I recommended a couple of well known locations in the city for his background, which would show the viewer this is a candidate of the city.

Several weeks ago, I shot an IT executive at her home.  I like shooting in my client's homes or offices because they feel comfortable in familiar surroundings.  Most people are already apprehensive about having their portrait taken and this takes the element of unfamiliar surroundings out of the equation.  As usual, I brought both backgrounds and portable lighting with me, just in case.  While I do come prepared,  I also know that in most cases, I'll be able to find simple light or dark backgrounds in most home or office situations.  It's not always the case to find those backgrounds with the right light, so I make sure I'm prepared to create my own if necessary.  In this case, I found a lovely bank of windows as well as the background.

A quick test shot with my hairstylist using the background I brought yields a more traditional portrait with absolutely stunning results.  For my client,  I wanted something a little less traditional with a little depth to the background.
Going outside lends a fresh and more casual feel.

Wherever we shoot, I'm looking to provide an engaging, approachable portrait and at the same time a fun and relaxed experience for my client.  

Where will we photograph your headshots?

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