I'm a water baby. Perhaps it's because I'm a Crab. (I'm on the cusp, so I'm also a Lion--which makes total sense in relation to my personality!) I grew up with gills--swimming all day as a kid and then as I got old enough, swimming competitively. My parents have had a sailboat for the past 30 years and I met Michael through boating. (Although my parents say I went to the "dark side" because we are power boaters--secretly I enjoy both.)
I'm lucky to see the ocean everyday from my house and when we moved here I vowed to never take it for granted. Seven years later, I still love to wake up everyday and open the curtains to see what the sea is doing. Most days include my favorite form of therapy--a walk or jog along the ocean front. I can't think of anything that soothes me more than the sound of waves and the singing of the birds.
I love the ocean whatever it's personality for the day-- dark, stormy, foggy or sunny. It's relaxation, inspiration and soothing for whatever ails me.